What the world needs now is love tweet love…

Has there ever been a time in history when our world hasn’t needed more of this?

acrylic on canvas_love tweet love copy

My painting is acrylic on canvas—some spring birdies and blossoms—both of which I’m yearning to see again someday. (Here I go again. Stuff a sock in my mouth. I can’t stop bitching about the cold weather. You’d think I lived in the Antarctic. Look for me in the dictionary under Broken Record.)

acrylic on ceramic_love birds copyHere are more birdies and blossoms, this time painted on a plain ceramic tile.

Here’s to a world where good will always triumph over evil, where love will always rise up to eradicate hatred, and where all militant evildoers will fade away to become a vague memory in our past.



“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

“If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang.” ~Charley Reese

1 Comment

  1. January 23, 2015 at 8:16 pm

    Here here!

    And your birdies ARE very “tweet” for sure 🙂


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