Want to see my yummy purple pineapples?

shawl_purple pineapples1I’ve always been entranced by the look of pineapple crochet patterns—so lacy and intricate—yet I always shied away from attempting to work on one because they seemed so complicated and I consider my skills to be more intermediate than advanced. I once tried a pineapple shawl pattern that I’d found on the Web but got stuck at a point where the instructions suddenly became confusing, and thus ended up throwing up my hands and ripping it all out in frustration, thinking that pineapples are probably just too advanced for me.

bookOn a trip to the library, I spotted a book called Crochet Wraps Every Which Way written by a talented crochet designer named Tammy Hildebrand. The book featured 18 gorgeous shawl patterns, but the one that really caught my eye was called Purple Passion—of course it was a pineapple design.

After skimming the pattern instructions, I thought that they seemed clear enough for me to follow, so I signed out the book and decided to try my hand at tackling a pineapple pattern one more time.

Since I was wary that this shawl might not turn out (which can be so disheartening because of all the time devoted to the work), I chose to use a lower-cost worsted weight yarn instead of the fine silk mohair yarn that the pattern called for. Then, I got out my crochet hook and began.

Well guess what? Thanks to Tammy’s easy-to-follow instructions, my first pineapple shawl turned out perfect, even in worsted weight!shawl_purple pineapples2All I need to do is block it and it will be ready to wear this summer, paired with a lavender sundress.

For anyone who’s looking for gorgeous crocheted wrap patterns that are clear to follow, I recommend that you check out this book. I guarantee that you’ll be enchanted with the drool-worthy patterns inside.